Learner's Rights In A Learnership

The rights of learners in a learnership are described in Sectoral Determination No. 5 on Learnerships, which forms part of the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, 1997. The Sectoral Determination is an official document that describes the conditions of employment of unemployed learners. It covers issues such as hours of work, annual leave, sick leave, the contract of employment that must be signed by the learner and the employer, as well as the certificate of service that the employer has to provide to the learner at the end of the learnership. 

Employers have to adhere to the requirements stipulated in the Sectoral Determination, and they have to explain the conditions in it to learners. You can get a copy of the Sectoral Determination on the Department of Labour’s website, www.labour.gov.za. Search under topics for “L” and go to “Learnerships”, then scroll down to “Sectoral Determination”.
